Friday, May 22, 2009

achAT's VOGUE cover statistics

From now on, I will publish statistics and indices for VOGUE covers on this blog on a more or less regular basis. Much to my surprise no such statistics exist on the net, so I decided to build up my own database on VOGUE covers.

Rules for counting covers:
  • For my statistics only regular country covers count, but not supplements! In case of Vogue Italia this matter can be very tricky. On my (visual) indices supplements may be shown however.
  • Appearances with other models on one cover count as one cover for each model.
  • In case of foldout covers it doesn't matter whether the model is shown on the front page or on the inner page(s).
  • Multiple covers for one country in one single month (such as Kate Moss for Vogue Paris Dec. 2005) count as one cover for this month only.
  • No differentiation original cover - reprinted cover (same cover in different countries). Both count as separate model cover.
  • Collages (such as UK 12/2006 or Deutsch 6/1995) don't count for a model cover. The Oct. 1994 cover for Vogue Italia (30 models) doesn't count either (too many models).
  • No Vogue Homme or similar.
My data were compiled from various sources on the net. Some sources proved to be reliable, others less. There are still "white spots" in my database (above all Latin America). Additional data may lead to differing results.

Sources are and thanks go to: fashion-iconography, The Fashion Spot, Fashion Model Directory,, kokobombon & modascans (both for Vogue LatinoAmerica), hfg,

The first statistics is on "VOGUE cover model of the decade (2000-2009)", restricted to 7 Vogue issues who always have original covers:
USA, UK, Paris, Italia, Deutsch, Nippon, Russia
Period: Jan. 2000 - June 2009

1st: Kate Moss and Natalia Vodianova (29 covers each)
3rd: Gisele Bündchen (27)
4th: Julia Stegner and Daria Werbowy (16)

1st - Nicole Kidman (8 covers)
2nd - Cate Blanchett (7)
3rd - Gwyneth Paltrow and Sarah Jessica Parker (6)

If you have further questions or doubts on correctness - please post a comment. I didn't find even one single statistics on the net on that matter, so that's new territory. E&OE.


Kokobombon said...

Vogue LA July 2007:Scarlett Johansson

achAT said...

Thank you! One more!
I did several searches on the net concerning VLA and it seems that single issues/covers can only be found by chance (for instance on a fan site of a certain model).
Even fashion-iconography who have an astonishing collection of Vogue covers don't list VLA because of missing information.

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